Awards and Tags · personal

Blogger Recognition Award

Hey, guys! It’s been a while since my last post (maybe six days? heehee), but when I got to WordPress I found out that I was nominated for the “Blogger Recognition Award” by Uldis ( You might want to visit his blog, he posts great inspirational writings and you’ll surely be motivated after, too. Thanks a lot, Uldis!


The Blogger Recognition Award was founded by Eve Estells ( This award was created with such a great intentions to make a connection between bloggers to help each other.

Also, she set a few requirements (numbered rules below) to receive this award.

Blogger Recognition Award Rules

Rule 1: Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
Rule 2: Provide a link to the award creator.
Rule 3: Attach the award to your post.
Rule 4: Nominate fifteen other bloggers, excluding yourself and the person who nominated you.
Rule 5: Write a brief story of how you started your blog.
Rule 6: A piece or two of advice to new bloggers.
Rule 7: Comment on the blogs you have named here to let them know you have nominated them.

How did I start my blog?

I had absolutely no interest to consider “blogging” before. I thought it would be hard and that I didn’t have the creative juices and talent to even start one. Besides, what would I write about? How wrong am I! I just started my first year at college, and two of my closest friends in my clique has a blog in Tumblr way back. They had shown it to me and I was in awe like, “Wow, they could do that?” One night, when I was reading Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, suddenly a thought popped out of my head saying, “Yeah, I need a blog. Have a blog you scaredy cat!” And now here I am… it was so much fun, why didn’t I think of this before? I said in my About section before that I still don’t know what to work on, but I think I would focus on writing book reviews and posting daily quotes, because duh, that’s what I like now!

Advice to new bloggers?

One of my close friends actually came to me for advice, and I think I’d just share what I gave to him:

  1. Don’t worry if you don’t know what you want to focus on your blog yet (like me), you’ll eventually get there! Don’t forget that if you write about things you actually like, then your posts will flow like a breeze. Have fun experimenting!
  2. Found a really good blog that you like? Then maybe that can serve as a good inspiration to you. Chances are they started out just like you, so you can do it, if you put your mind to it!
  3. Reach out! Interact with other bloggers and connect with them. Never underestimate networking, and more importantly, you’ll meet others who share the same interests as you! Isn’t that cool?

I nominate these awesome bloggers:

See you soon on my next post!

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